Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The pursuit of happiness...and gratitude


Thanks. Giving.

Giving thanks.

This is the month where one day is set aside to give thanks, although everyday I wake up I say a prayer of thanksgiving for everything I hold dear. My children. My siblings. My dogs. Their health. My health. And a petition of grace for those in my life dealing with various challenges: I call it my prayer list.

There's extra gratitude for this month of birth: my brother, my daughter, my niece, my nephew. All precious lights on my path. A strong light of love was also extinguished in this month but I am grateful for our walk together.

And so I invite you to fullstop, take a deep breath and search your mind for the things, the people, the places that give you joy.  Remember joy is internally driven so you may need two breaths to relax long enough to find it. When you find it, smile at the discovery, whether carnal or spiritual.

It has made you the "you" you are today.

At least until you find the next thing that makes your heart smile and gives you joy.

If my many Novembers have taught me anything, it is that it is far better to pursue happiness than be chased by doubt.

Be well.

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